Friday, 8 July 2016

Journalism is changing and how!

Noting from the older times, Journalism has changed the world, quite literally. From uncovering to exposing the major scams involving politicians or artists, or unveiling the truths about the wars happening across the globe; journalists in the past have kept no stones unturned to open our eyes. And now also, the world is actually changing through writing and journalism.

A lay man’s idea of Journalism usually revolves around the mirror effect. It will show the true face of world to the world. However, it’s not just constrained to this, journalism has the potency to drive a social change using the ethics of Journalism.

In the current scenario, Journalism and its know-about have changed vast volumes. Once there was the conventional print system publishing stories in the traditional print media and now it’s altogether a new platform-digital and online.

AAFT Mass Communication

For people like us, who’re constantly on the internet with our big smart phones, the new digital form of Journalism has caught eyes of many, very distinctively. Since we crave for first hand news and derive it on our fingertips, this new form of Journalism is quite a profound.

For anyone who’s eager to study about the various Journalism courses in India, there are some fantastic mass communication colleges like AAFT in India which offer a comprehensive curriculum to suit us. Rooting towards these colleges not only will give you a better perspective about the journalism world academically, but also guide you through in becoming a media professional in this digital front world.

So if you think you have a knack for news, a nose to smell news, or have an eye for details and good concentration in knowing about the world, why not make use of it? The modern setup of this digital Journalism will perfectly align with your stars.

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