Monday, 30 November 2015

You know you are made for Journalism when…

You dislike monotony in work to the core.

It is like a big NO to you. You cannot stand the thought of a monotonous job where you stick to a particular time to arrive and leave. For you work is all about dynamic situations which compel you to get out there in the world and experience things for yourself. When you cannot tolerate stagnancy of any kind and you know you need to work in an exciting field, then Mass communication and Journalism is the thing for you to be in!

You love to write

Writing is more than just a hobby to you. It is a passion, a way of expressing your thoughts. You already have a quite a few trophies from essay and creative writing competitions! Journalism is a lot of writing and expressing of views. If you have this skill in you already you might as well be a renowned journalist in a few years’ time!

You love to communicate with new people

That says a lot of journalism. The best colleges for mass communication in India require its students to have impeccable communication skills. Even if they don’t, they are groomed to having exceptional communication skills. If you are one of them, who have those skills and love to meet new people, then you are a journalist in making.If you are a journalist, you will encounter new people every day of your life and you must know how to deal with them!

Travelling gives you goose bumps

The thought of going around the world makes you ecstatic? Then you might sign up for journalism colleges today! As a journalist you will have to travel to a lot of places. This will be hectic, but you are bound to love the new places!

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Mass Communication is more than Journalism!

Mass communication is an integral part of our daily lives! We might consider it as a one-off event where a special program is organized to communicate to audience about a specific project for a specific cause- but mass communication, in several forms, has become an inseparable part of our day-to-day living.

People often mistake mass communication courses to be journalism courses –which are related to making public aware of the news and events of the world. But the fact is that mass communication is an umbrella of multiple smaller specializations in which the element of communication remains the same, but the ways and purpose of that communication alter. Check this list out!

Advertisements: Advertising is the latent form of mass communication in which the organizers may or may not be physically communicating with the public but they are using different channels to initiate and enhance the purchasing behaviors into them.

Journalism: As discussed above, journalism deals in bringing the news and events of the world to the people through print media and digital media. The international institute of mass media is one of the established names in teaching journalism to students.

• Public Relations: Advertising is saying you’re good while PR is getting somebody else to say that for you. Here, the mass communication is done in a manner that affects the public opinion about a product or a company. In PR, the media communicates the goodwill of an organization to the people.

Political campaigns: This is the traditional example of mass communication where the communicators are physically addressing the public and are asking them to vote and support them. With the innovations in technology, digital political campaigns are also happening all around the world!

On the whole, mass communication activities are happening all around us and knowingly or unknowingly, we are playing the “mass” in a number of cases!

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Why Creativity is Important in Journalism?

When it comes to a career in writing there is perhaps only few things that one needs to keep in mind. First of all is that one must be able to write and write well at that. As a writer be it a journalist or book author or anything, one must be able to communicate with words. And thus the point for writing well is needed so that one can clearly and without confusing the reader;convey the meaning behind the write up.

In the past few years, there has been a turnaround for people wanting to join the writing industry. The flourishing of online media has opened up even more avenues for people to write and not just the print media. There are start-ups, blogging websites, personal blogs, and now even major print publishers have come up with online versions of their magazines and newspapers. This has resulted in a growing popularity for students to take up journalism and mass communication. 

And with so many people writing and blogging, the olden way of writing is quickly changing. Every article or write up is supposed to be more unique or different in some way or another. Although writing creatively is something that is inherent in oneself, but institutes like the Indian Institute of Mass Communication or other journalism schools teach help students hone these skills further. There is a reason that creativity is so important in the field of journalism. A writer’s ability to connect with readers, to write in such a way that it engages them, is what allows them to eventually succeed in their professional career. Especially in these days, with so many people having personal blogs and writing in their own style, being creative in how one writes, what one writes and how they present it is very important to think about.