Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Top Three Qualities of a Journalist !!!

Mass Communication Degree

I believe journalism is an exciting career option. One because, it’s not like those typical 9 to 5 office jobs restricted to your cubicle where you stay fixed at your computer screens and two because, it involves covering different news and information from different sections, and hence, it can never bring monotony.

Journalism is a part of mass communication degree and deals in various types of mass media- digital, print etc. Journalism is a platform where you can connect with the people through news and events of the world, help them gain their knowledge and drive them toward critical thinking about the important issues of the nation and the world.

But does journalism suit you? Are you made for such a course which is as dynamic as the world itself? Here’s a quick guide of the qualities that you should possess in order to become a good journalist.

·         Inquisitive: If you’re too curious about everything that goes around and you always have a nose for the origin and cause of an incident, you would excel as a journalist. Journalists are people who are tempted by a piece of information and stay inquisitive all the time!

·         Determined: Determination is one of the key features of a good journalist. You may fail a few times initially while trying to make a mark on the audience, but with experience, gradually you’ll understand how media industry functions. Staying determined for getting right information at the right time and right place will take you ahead.

·         Knowledgeable: The top journalismcolleges in india, apart from testing the communication and presentation abilities of students, also put entrances based on general knowledge. Knowledge is power and if you’re well versed with the global issues- social, political and historical, you already have an edge!

So if you are inquisitive, determined and knowledgeable, and the media industry fascinates you enough to make a career out of it, you’re good to go!

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Your Choice - Mass Communication VS. Journalism

People often find mass communications and journalism synonymous. One reason to this is the fact that both involve disseminating information to various sources- ranging from individual to a large group of individuals. But a mass communication degree is quite different, quite broader I must say, as compared to journalism.
Mass communication involves everything that is related with sending a message, in whatever field, to a group of audiences. The message could be commercial- as in advertisements used by a number of brands of toothpaste, detergents, soaps, shampoos, and so on. The message could be fictional as well- for example, the rise of a number of TV shows based on fictional characters and fictional stories, becoming the source of entertainment to the audiences, in mass. Since the concept of mass communication literally works on communicating with mass, it makes use of tools such as advertising, publishing, print media, radio and television.
Journalism, on the other hand is a narrower concept. It is merely a part of the huge mass communication realm. It focuses only on the media section of the entire mass communication realm. Media may be of different kinds- print, electronic or digital, all of them focusing on the events and news of the world. The top journalism colleges in india make students participate in news coverage, current affairs, debates and discussions. Journalists have a wide scope in news and print media where they can become everything from editors and proofreaders to cartoonists and feature writers.
If you wish to widen career opportunities, a mass communication degree would do well. If however you plan to become part of media specifically, by taking the roles of researching, interviewing, writing, reporting, editing and publishing a news or event, a course in journalism should be taken up.

Friday, 10 July 2015

Functions of mass communication !!

In this faced paced world, it would be no exaggeration to say that communication to the masses happens on a minutely basis. Be it through the old-school mediums of mass communication like television, radio, or newspaper or through the latest and most happening medium of social networking websites, we are almost always communicating.

One of my friends who pursued her education from one of the best mass communication colleges in India explained to me the benefits of communicating in this era of technology:

top journalism colleges in India

1. Exchange of information
Oblivious of what’s happening in the world around me, I always get to know about the latest piece of news through social networking websites. The online blogs, comments coming directly from the people, real time images, etc. are some of the ways that make me appear more knowledgeable.

2. Exchange of opinions
Owing to the popularity of various social media platforms, even those people who hesitate to speak out in public, manage to freely share their opinions on online forums. My friend having studied in one of the top journalism colleges in India, regularly participates in such online discussions.

3. Cultural education
The popular blogging websites, global online social networks, and other online forums allow us to learn more about the cultures of different nations.  By vicariously experiencing the cultures and traditions of different states and countries, we naturally come to respect the right and raise our voices against the wrong.

4. Entertainment
Mass communication does not need to be boring. Some of the blogging sites that I follow post such ingenious, brilliant, and yet informative blogs that the entertainment bit is always taken care of. Sharing videos is also an extremely popular and creative way of communicating with the masses. And unless it’s based on a serious topic, they are almost always entertaining.